Thursday, February 13, 2014

Martin Espada Essay

In the poems written by Martin Espada called, “Revolutionary Spanish Lesson”, “Two Mexicanos Lynched in Santa Cruz,” and “The New Bathroom Policy at English High School,” all express a theme dealing with power. In all the poems a theme that appears a lot is when people have an abundance of power they sometimes oppress someone else.
An example of this theme is in the poem “The Bathroom Policy at English High School.” In the poem it says, “The boys chatter Spanish/in the bathroom/while the principal/listens from his stall/the only word he recognizes/ is his own names/…./So he decides/ to ban Spanish/. This illustrates how the principal uses his power to oppress someone else. Because the principal doesn’t know Spanish and doesn’t understand that culture and just because he doesn’t understands he uses his power to ban Spanish. This demonstrates the theme in these poems that when person has an abundance of power they abuse it.
Another example of this theme is in the poem, “Revolutionary Spanish Lesson.” In the poem it said, “Whenever my name/is mispronounced/I want to buy a toy pistol/…/hijack a busload/of republican tourist/. This expresses how many people that the author comes across don’t respect his culture enough to pronounce his name right. So they oppress the speaker in the poem by disrespecting his culture. This illustrates how other people with power oppress the speaker of the poem.
The last example of the theme in all three poems is present in the poem, “Two Mexicanos Lynched in Santa Cruz.” For example in the poem it reads, “When forty gringo vigilantes/cheered the rope/ that snapped two Mexicanos/ into a grimacing sleep of broken necks/…/a high-collar boy smirking some peering/../crowding in the photograph/. This portrays the theme well because the gringos used their power and oppressed the Mexicanos by killing them. This shows how people with an abundance of power oppress other people.
In conclusion, people who have an abundance of power oppress other people. As shown in these poems by Martin Espada oppression can come in many forms. An example of this in our lives today is how Governor Chris Christie used his power as a Governor, and shut down a lane on one of the most busiest bridges in Brooklyn just to spite a mayor who didn’t support him in new jersey.  Which shows how he abused his power to oppress someone. Overall when someone has an abundance of power, that’s person usually oppresses someone else.