Sunday, November 24, 2013

Song that had a significant meaning

“Imagine” by John Lennon
♫♫ Imagine all the people
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living in peace
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine all the people
No greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
And the world will be as one ♪♫

“Imagine” by John Lennon is about world peace and ending world hunger. I think this song is about how John Lennon wanted to help stop wars and end world hunger by having people work together as one. This song is significant because it addressed big issues such as war, world hunger, and world peace.  John Lennon advocated these issues to the end of his life. I also think this song is also significant because as a very influential celebrity he brought world-wide attention to the movement to end war, poverty and hunger.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Letter to Ms. Berner

Dear Ms. Berner
          Banning books has been a very controversial issue in the United States for many years. Some teachers and parents have tried to get books banned, but books should not be banned from the 6th grade library in MS.51. Books should not be banned because young adults have the right to know and learn about issues in the world that are present in these books address  Books allow for Teens to learn to deal with issues that are found in young adult literature by opening discussions around these issues with their peers and adults. Overall, books should not be taken away from the 6th grade library because although one book might not relate to one teen, that same book could help another teen that is going through a struggle and provide them with guidance.
          Books should not be banned from the 6th grade library because they teach young adults about issues that are going on in the world. In the town of Katy Creek, Texas, a reporter named Debra Wrigley of channel 13 ABC news  reported that a father named Alton Verm wanted to ban the book Fahrenheit 451 from his daughter’s school curriculum. Ironically, Fahrenheit 451 is about how people took away books, and Alton Verm wanted to ban it. He wanted to ban the novel because the bible was burned in the book to stop people from reading it. Although the book Fahrenheit 451 is fictional it still has a lesson that can be applied to real life that books are the key to knowledge. Alton Verm wanted to censor the book even though much of the school’s population liked the book or found that it was their favorite novel to read. This should not be able to happen because one person’s opinion about a book should not have an effect on another individual’s reading preference, especially if the person who is dictating your reading life isn’t your parent.
Another example of banning in high school was explained in the video called “Banned in Stockon.” In the video some of the teachers and parents were trying to ban Sherman Alexie’s novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, while others were fighting the ban. The video explained that while the teachers were trying to ban the book a student spoke and said that the book was based on a true story and should not be banned because it taught people that “if the main character could do it and he had a lot more problems than me, then I can do anything I put my mind to.” This shows how the lessons that are portrayed in books can be used as guidance to deal with the issues that might be occurring in a teenagers’ life. This also explains how people deserve to know about the issues presented in books and the lessons that come with them.
          Another example of how books provide guidance for young adults is in the article, “Banned Books Week 2010: An Anti- Censorship Manifesto,” by Ellen Hopkins. In the text Hopkins says, “I have received tens of thousands of messages thanking me for turning them around.” This proves how Hopkins’s young adult literature has changed the lives of teens in a positive way. Another example how books provide guidance is because they can help people through issues. For example, in the text by Ellen Hopkins said, “Books show outcomes to choices. And offer understanding.” This idea supports how books can help young adults cope with issues and provide them with answers.
          Many people may think that books have become to dark or as Megan Cox Gurdon said in her article “Darkness to Visible”, “Rifed with explicit abuse, violence and depravity.” Also, in the Guardian, Maureen Johnson wrote, “Young Adult literature is inappropriate and denotes a slipping of moral standards.” However, many teens are going through issues and problems and are looking for ways to deal with them or sort them out. As Sherman Alexie said in his article, “Books written in Blood,” “I write to give them weapons in the form of words and ideas that will help them fight their monsters.” As Sherman Alexie expressed, although young adult literature might be dark for one person, for another teen that book could be their guidance. This explains that some teens and adults might think that young adult literature is dark and inappropriate, but that some literature can help someone through hard times.

          In conclusion, books should not be banned from the 6th grade library because they provide teens with guidance and educate them about issues that are occurring in the world. It is wrong to hinder teens from reading these books because teens should be able to have access to knowledge that might help them. All in all, books should not be banned because they provide guidance for teens and educate teens about issues in the world.